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Las 10 asociaciones/publicaciones más influyentes en Twitter y sus interacciones. Q1 2018. Realizado con la herramienta de análisis de redes sociales (ARS) Gephi.

Q1 2018: The 20 most influential market research associations / publications on Twitter

25 April, 2018 0 0

Which are the most influential associations and publications in the market research industry? Based on a Twitter conversation analysis, Empirica has just released the ranking of the 20 main influencers of our sector. In this third wave of this report, we decided to aggregate the data corresponding to the first three months of 2018. In doing so, we achieve a…

Q1 2018: The 25 most influential researchers on Twitter

25 April, 2018 1 0

It has been three months since Empirica began publishing the ranking of the most influential researchers on Twitter. This list, based on the natural conversation analysis within the market research ecosystem, is already showing some signs of stability: we see that, month after month, some influencers are repeating their appearance in the top 10. The same result can…

asociaciones febrero 2018

February 2018: the 10 most influential market research associations/publications on Twitter

28 March, 2018 0 0

If several day ago we published the ranking of the most influential market researchers in Twitter of February 2018, today, from Empirica, we do the same with the ten associations and publications that have the biggest impact on the industry conversation. 8 out of 10 main influencers already appeared last month: the influence power shows certain stability over time.…


February 2018: the 10 most influent researchers in Twitter

26 March, 2018 0 0

Here you have the ranking of the 10 most prominent market researchers, on an international level, in Twitter. Data corresponds to February 2018. Only a few changes ara appreciated in comparison to the month of January. In order to measure the influence we have resorted to social network analysis (SNA), a technique that allows us to…


The 10 most influential market research associations/publications in Twitter

27 February, 2018 1 0

Some days ago we published the top 10 of the most prominent market researchers. Today we resume our Twitter analysis, which includes data obtained in January 2018 (and which will be followed by a regular monthly publication), to give you the 10 most impactful market research associations and publications in the social media. If you…

investigadores twitter

The 10 most influent researchers in Twitter

16 February, 2018 0 0

Who are the most prominent market researchers internationally? At Empirica we made our own ranking as of January 2018. This ranking is based on Twitter, the social network on which centers a very important part of the conversation about new tendencies and most discussions within this sector. If you are into market research, you may…

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